When you open your heart to the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life, you will discover that life indeed could be a bed of roses. The Holy Spirit will bring rest, beauty and peace into your life when you learn to open your heart to Him, and trust Him to lead and guide you in the affairs of life. There is absolutely nothing any Child of God can do effectively without the help of the Holy Spirit. This is the reason you must open your heart to Him in fellowship every day! Be conscious of both His in dwelling and abiding presence, for He is all you need to live the supernatural life. Jesus said “and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter that He may abide with you forever” (John14:16). The Greek word used for another comforter is “allos parakletos” “Allos” means ‘the same of another kind’, while “parakletos” translated ‘comforter’, really means one that is sent alongside to go with you and help you. The Bible clearly shows who the Holy Spirit is to you; He is your helper, advocate, strengthener, intercessor, counselor, standby and guide! Jesus called the Holy Spirit “another- “allos,” meaning another one of the same kind and quality as Him. When Jesus ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit came to take His place. The Holy Spirit is to us today what Jesus would have been if He were still physically present on earth. It is the Holy Spirit who now brings us the presence of Jesus and the presence of the Father. It is His responsibility to lead you, guide you, strengthen you and teach you the things of the kingdom of God. Open your heart to Him today.