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The time is now

In the realm of spirit there is no time, everything is in the now. What you want is available to you now and what you will receive after a year or some month is available right now waiting for you. If it takes you some time to receive something its not because God delayed or because he wanted to test you, its because it took your faith that particular time to come to acceptance of the now. Until you see it in the now its not faith, if you are believing for one day it will happen its not faith, that is hope. Faith is now, it has it now, it accepts that the matter has been settled and moves on to other stuff. God did not set a time for your blessing, he does not live in time. According to him your blessing is now, he leaves it up to your faith to rise and take it now or after a certain time period. Faith is the one which has set the time for you to receive from God, it is not God, its you so stop blaming God. There is a difference between believing and faith, you can believe you can fly but that does not mean you can. When it is faith you will know from inside you that this thing has already happened, but when its believing you will be still wishing it must happen. Have you ever received something and after receiving you discover that the thing had been there all along waiting for you and had you done what you did the day you received you would have gotten that thing long time ago. So if you are believing, it’s a good start, now you must convert your believing into faith-this exercise will frustrate your senses because it is weird. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is……….(notice the word now)


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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