The prayer in the fourth dimension happens when you pray with the totality of your entire being, this means your whole body, soul and spirit are united and talking the same language. This kind of prayer produces immediate results and it moves mountains in a matter of seconds. When you pray this way there is no way you can have doubt because all your thoughts and emotions are so much in sync with the spirit man such that there is a oneness of faith. The Lord once said “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” by this he meant the soul, spirit and body being united in Prayer will immediately release his presence and his anointing which is the power to change things. You must understand that in this prayer you are not asking God or begging him to change things for you, but you are praying in line with the scriptures and standing by the scriptures and praying the scriptures in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This means you go into the realm of spirit with the word and demand a change, and the universe will here and obey your commands, it will do what you tell it to do, all of nature will be subject to your voice and miracles will begin to happen. Many people don’t understand that the realm of spirit is in the now, and when you demand a now change you get it now but this will depend on the level of your faith. Sometimes you can get a note of victory in your spirit which is proof enough to prove that what you prayed for has been granted. A note of victory can be in the form of a holy laughter or a deep inner knowing that what you requested has been granted. If you want a change today, this is the way to go.