Everything that God is and all that He has made you can only be revealed to you by the Spirit. Sadly, there are people today who go to Church but you can tell they haven’t received the Holy Spirit. I wonder what in the world they are waiting for. Receiving the Holy Spirit is not optional for any child of God. When Christ shows up at the rapture, it will take the Holy Spirit to get you out of here! You need to know this – there is no Christianity without the Holy Spirit. Christianity without the Holy Spirit is a joke! Until you have received the Holy Spirit, you won’t know anything about the ‘Glory life.’ If you don’t have the Holy Spirit, what you have is mere religion. Being filled with the Holy Spirit and having the consciousness of his glorious presence with you is the secret of Christianity. That is what makes us unique. The Bible says, you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you (Acts 1:8). Do you want to see the power of God in your life? The Holy Ghost is the secret: He is the one to fly you on eagles’ wings and bring the glory of God into your life.