During the Crucifixion of Jesus his last words regarding those who were crucifying him were “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” This is Mercy at its best, he pleaded with the Father not to destroy them. Think about it, if it were you and people were killing you, wouldn't you say Father make them pay for this. How do you have Mercy on the one you came to help and sacrificed everything to help that person and yet they rejected and killed you. Mercy can be defined as compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. Mercy is given to the one who does not deserve it, not because they did something to qualify for it . If they qualified then it would not be mercy. The Lord Jesus is full of mercy and compassion, he did not come to punish mankind for their wicked ways. He came to show mercy and reveal the heart of the Father to man. Luk 9:56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them Whatever evil man has done, mercy makes up for it. You cannot be evil enough to be punished, his Mercy will always outweigh your evil deeds. God is not out looking to punish wrong doers, he goes out looking to give his mercy to all the wrong doers. This is the gospel Jesus came to preach to the sinner