Galatians 3: 26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. The Words "put on Christ" in the above verse is translated from the Greek Word enduō and it means to be soaked into something until you cannot be seen. It also means to get lost into something until you cannot find yourself. When you spend more time in fellowship with the Holy Spirit his presence will rub off on your entire being, you will literally be soaked into the Spirit until you cannot be seen. When you are completely soaked into the Spirit it will cause whoever that looks at you to see the Master, I mean the world will see heaven by just looking at you. He will possess your entire soul and everything about your life will become heavenly. His plans will become your plans and you will be able to walk in his perfect will for your life.
William Branham used to spend so much time with the Spirit that at times a cloud would be seen around him, the Glory of God would be seen hanging over his head. Smith Wigglesworth spent so much time in fellowship with the Spirit that when he passed the street of his days People would see him and began crying for salvation. What about Katherine Kuhlman who after spending time with the Holy Spirit would walk in a street and every person in that street would fall under the power.