If you are going to school to get a good job, you have already failed in life. The purpose of Education is to develop the talents which are already inside a man so that such a man can be equipped with sufficient knowledge to go out into the world and make a positive change. There is nothing wrong with working, the first thing God gave Adam was work before he could even give him a wife. If you are going into a job for the sake of money you will be frustrated, it doesn’t matter what your position is, but if you work for the purpose of making the world a better place, if you follow your passion and desire, you will love what you do no matter how small your pay may be. Being successful in life has got nothing to do with the size of your salary, success is a mind-set, and it is an achievement of a lifelong goal. Success is being able to influence the world around you to think like you, it is changing the world for the better. If you want to choose teaching as a career, go there because you aspire to inspire the next generation, go there because you want to build leaders of tomorrow. If you are in it for the money, you will hate everything about it, this is why it is important to discover God’s plan and purpose for your life and pursue after it. The same thing with politics, go there to improve the lives of the people, if you are in science go there to discover the hidden wisdom of God and use it to educate your generation, and the generation after you. If you are a doctor or a nurse, do it because you care for the sick, do it because you enjoy helping the sick get better? If you are a minister of the gospel, go there to win souls for the Lord Jesus Christ, not for money and fame. Don’t chase the money, chase your dreams and the money will chase you.