Habakkuk 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

A vision can be defined as the optimal desired future state - the mental picture - of where you wish to see yourself in a given period of time. It is seeing into the future with the eye of faith. Notice in the above verse the Lord told Habakkuk to do 3 things, he said write the vision down, make it plain and read it..>>>>>>this means you write down what you wish to achieve, then define it to yourself (be specific) and lastly keep reading it to yourself over and over again until the faith to bring it to pass rises from your spirit. The reading of the vision is not like the reading of a book, to read a vision means looking at what you have written down, with the vision eye, that is you visualize that thing in your mind, see yourself in possession of it. Faith is living in your dreams today, you talk and act as if you already have what you desire, faith relates with the unseen as though it is real. As wonderful as having a vision is, but don’t stop there, otherwise it will remain a vision. What you must do next is to take action, do something about your vision. Action must have goals to go with, if for instance you have a vision to make R1000 000.00 this year, write it down and say Jan to Dec my target is 1 million. The next step is start seeing yourself with that amount, then change it into workable goals. Start by dividing the amount by 12 and get your monthly target, and divide by 4 and get your weekly target, after that divide by 30 and get your daily target, after that divide by 24 and get your hourly target. You will discover that your big goal has become so easy, all you need to do to make a million is R28 per hour. Anybody can make R28 per hour, and anybody can make 1 million in a year