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Work more Internally

90% of what happens in the life of a human being is the work of the mind and 10 % the work of the body. This means our job is to work more on the inside than we do on the outside. Anyone that will win a physical crown, will have won it already on the inside before they physically compete for it. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

The mind is the headquarters where the administration of your life takes place, it is the distance between the realm of spirit and the physical world. Man is a spirit, and his life is the outflow of the character of his spirit, but the spirit man takes the shape of your thoughts. If you continual meditate or sow certain thoughts in your mind, your spirit does not ask questions his job is to believe what is conveyed by the mind and brings it to pass. Once character is formed in your spirit, results will follow. It matters what you expose your mind to, most of the stuff on TV has been designed to corrupt the human spirit, especially the daily soapies. The media is fighting for control of your mind, most of the things we hear on the news or on television programs have been designed to channel us to think in a certain direction. Proverbs 4:23 Be careful how you think, Your thoughts make you the person that you are....! To get to your spirit or to corrupt your spirit Satan has to first have your mind. For God to work in your life, he needs your mind also. God can only work with his Word, this means the Word has to get inside you. If you give yourself time to study and meditate on the scriptures, your mind will take the same thoughts as God and your spirit will also take the same character. Imagine the life you can produce if your spirit took the character of God, you would do extraordinary things only, experience miracles everyday. Romans 12:2 says, And let not your behavior be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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