One day I was sitting in my room, I heard the Spirit of God talk in a small still voice, he said words are particles. I didn't understand what he meant by this, I kept on listening but this was the only thing he said. I'm not familiar with scientific terms, I'm more familiar with business language. Well I did some digging and the revelation I discovered from that short sentence shocked me. A particle is a very small thing which makes up a matter. And matter is anything that occupies space, so this means whatever is called a matter was made out of particles. A house is a matter, a car is matter, Basically everything that can be touched is matter. A drop of water can be made up of trillions of particles, this tells us how small a particle is, that's why it cannot be seen. So if words are particles, it means whatever statement you make is building up matter. Every word that comes out of your mouth is doing something somewhere, you might not see anything as the particles are building up because they are very small, but if you keep talking the same thing over and over again, matter will be the result. This is why God told us to keep talking his word, thats Because we are building up matter. Just imagine if someone keeps talking, fear, death, failure, lack, sickness, the end result will be destruction. On the other hand if you talk positive things, your particles are building up a positive matter. When matter changes states the particles in it must first be rearranged, meaning if you have to change the state of your life, you have to rearrange the particles which come out of your mouth.