When the children of Israel were about to take the city of Jericho, the Lord appeared unto Joshua, and said, "Look! I have given Jericho over to your control, along with its kings and valiant soldiers" (Joshua 6:2). The Lord gave him a strategy of how to take the city, he said "March around the city, all the soldiers circling the city once. Do this for six days, with seven priests carrying in front of the ark seven trumpets made from rams’ horns. On the seventh day march around the city seven times while the priests blow their trumpets" (Joshua 6:3-4). And they did what the Lord said to do, they marched around the city once for six days and seven times on the seventh day, and the wall of Jericho collapsed. Take note that after they obeyed the instruction to go around the wall, nothing changed immediately. They went around it the first day, the wall still looked the same, no cracks, it was still strong and tall as it had been before they went around. The second day, the wall was still standing, no cracks or signs of falling, same thing happened for six days. This might have been discouraging, I mean you are doing what God said to do, yet the thing remains unchanged.
A lady once testified that she was diagnosed with cancer, and the cancer had spread all over her body, everyday was becoming too late to save her, she took the matter to God, he was the only one who could heal her. After weeks of prayer and faith in the Word, nothing was changing, Cancer was still there like that wall of Jericho. The more she prayed, the thing just remained there staring her right in the face.
If you cut the roots of tree, the leaves will remain green for a long period of time, it might look like nothing has changed, but in reality the life of that tree is actually gone. Spiritual and natural things are that way, the more something remains stubborn in the natural, is a sign that the life in it is actual destroyed in the spirit. On the seventh day, the same wall which showed no signs of falling, suddenly collapsed. One minute it was there, the next minute, it was no more."And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the Lord hath given you the city" (Joshua 1:16). "So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat"........(Joshua 6:120). The lady I mentioned earlier suddenly discovered that the Cancer she was praying about suddenly disappeared, one minute on her body, the next minute vanished into thin air. The doctors checked everything, and could not believe their eyes, no trace of cancer was found on her body.