faith is simply standing in agreement with the written Word of God without wavering. When God says today is Monday whilst its Tuesday, then Tuesday will become Monday. You too should say its Monday regardless of what your calendar says, be in Agreement with God because it is impossible for him to lie. When he says to a stone this is bread, just say yes Sir, this is bread then the stone will become what he said. Our response to the written Word Should be yes and Amen through Christ Jesus our Lord and his Word will become in our lives what it talks about. Jesus said to the sick you are well, the moment they agreed they became what he said. Can you imagine telling a sick man he is well, when he can see that he is sick, well that's how God talks. Faith says to the sick you are well, to poor you are rich, to the barren you are fruitful.
He said to Abram your name shall be called Abraham which means father of many and when God gave him this name he was childless, just think about it, if someone came to you and said you have kids scattered all over the world whilst you know for sure that you don't have any, wouldn't you say that's false. Abraham was a man of faith, he said yes, I am Abraham the father of many. God will call you what he has already made you. Notice his name does not mean you will become a father of many, but you are the father of many, present tense..............We having the same spirit faith, according as it is written, I believed and therefore have I spoken, we also believe and therefore speak. 2 Corinthians 4:13