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Delete the past from your Memory

Mind Management is the process of deleting old and useless files from your mind and installing new ones which are consistent with your destiny and calling in life. Roman's 12:1-2......And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Some people just don't want to let go of the past, and the more they hold on to the past is the more they are blinded by it. After God rejected Saul as the king of Israel, Samuel the Prophet was crying for Saul but God had already moved on, he said to Samuel stop crying for What I have rejected, go to Jesse's house and anoint a new King. The Bible says God has planned a future for us which is full of victory, joy, prosperity and health, so why in the world would you want to live in the past. God does not dwell on the past, he is quick to move on, by the time everyone is thinking this or that happened, God is already out of it, he is already thinking the solution of how to deal with what happened. Imitate God and be solution conscious, winners always think of the next thing to do. I remember this other lady I was chatting to,she had a record of dates and times of the bad things her husband had done to her, all the words he ever said, she could recite word for word, I was very shocked. And I said why have you filled your mind with this nonsense, delete those things. she refused, and said not until I make him pay. Think about it, the level of wickedness wrong thoughts can produce in a human being, the flesh always wants to get even but the fruit of the spirit is joy, peace, love, patience, long suffering.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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