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1. Gilgal – is the place where Joshua circumcised the men in Israel, who were born in the wilderness. It signifies the fact that we the people of God need to deal with our flesh! What is the flesh? The flesh is anything that is full of Me, Myself and I. Paul wrote I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me (Gal2:20). Pride must fall, feelings must fall, selfishness must fall. All these things need to be dealt with at the cross, though its not a one day job, you will still make mistakes, but don’t stop. One day you will overcome and when you do, you will no longer boast in the flesh.

2. Bethel – is the place where God appeared to Abraham and he built an altar, signifying commitment and absolute consecration to God. In Bethel, you let go of the world and its pleasures, you only seek after the things of the Spirit. You hunger for God, you hunger for his presence. Bethel is also a place of continual intimate fellowship and communion with the Lord, this is where you come to know the reality of the Holy Spirit.

3. Jericho – signifies war. At Jericho, Satan will come at you with everything he has, he will fight you because of the anointing you received at Bethel. At Bethel God pours his anointing upon you as a result of fellowship. It is very foolish to ignore the enemy, Paul said we are not ignorant of Satan' s devices. Some people think because they are Christians they are above attacks, well that’s pride and ignorance. He attacked Jesus, Paul, Peter, James, John, so who are you.

4. Jordan - signifies authority. It was at river Jordan that God the Father announced Jesus as his Son and he said hear ye him, talking to all creation, both man and nature. At Jordan, the son becomes the son, this means you are already the son day you are born again, but God does not entrust you with authority immediately. It is dangerous to give authority to a child, he must first grow up and become a man, that way he will use it right. When you arrive at Jordan, the Father will tell all of nature to obey your voice.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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