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Begin with the Mind

Actors will tell you that when they are shooting a movie, the first scene they do is the last scene of the movie. The reason for this is that, all the other scenes must be linked to how the movie will end. When they get to do the beginning part of the movie or the middle part they already know the end, so all their focus and style of working is directed towards the end. It becomes easy to do all the other scenes when you know the end. Life is like a movie, God is the creator (Writer) of the movie, the Lord Jesus is the producer, the Holy Spirit is the director and we are the actors. Your life has already been scripted, and the script is your heart, all that is required from you is to play or act your part. In your mind you have to first act the last scene of the script, play a mental movie in the back of your imagination, see yourself in that place God has scripted you to be and don't worry about the other scenes or how to get there. When you see the end of a matter, all the forces in you begin working together to bring that end to pass. When you know where you are going, you will take the route which leads to your destination and avoid the one which is leading nowhere. To take the one which is leading nowhere whilst you know the correct route is to chase the wind thinking you will catch it. Once you know where you are going, the next thing to do is to incorporate your today, tomorrow, next week into the direction of your destination, and everyday of your life should contribute to the vision you have as a whole.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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