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All Things are Created Twice

When a new house is built, the first thing that is required is a mental image of the house on paper, you can’t build anything on the ground without that mental image. The mental image is the first creation, and it is called a plan. The second creation starts when you get all the necessary materials and equipments to start building the mental image in the physical. Everyone can look at the physical structure and say wow, the house is beautiful not knowing that it first began in somebody's mind. Everything that will ever come to you will come from the inside of you. The extent of your vision will be the boundary of your blessing. God said to Abraham as far as your eyes can see, that have I given to you. God needs your imagination to work his plans and purpose in your life, he will reveal his entire plan in your heart, this can be through heart desire, or innerward burden to do something, sometimes he can use dreams at night to reveal his plan for your life. Once you know his plans, begin playing with your imagination, start travelling in your mind and see yourself the way he sees you. The imagination is a powerful force in the first creation, this is why God gave us the power to imagine, he wants us to create destinies according to the structure he has deposited in our hearts. Imagination is What separates man from Angels, of all God's creation man is the only being with the power of imagination. Angels cannot create, this is why Satan duplicates everything God has created. If you go under the sea where Lucifer lives, you will find streets of gold, white buildings, he duplicated the way heaven looks. By the way Satan does not have a home, the sea was created by God, it is not his. Satan is a broke ass, whatever he claims to have, he has stolen from man.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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