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Why you should in tongues at all times

1. Praying in tongues positions people and resources in places you do not know, this prayer aligns the environment to comply with your words 2. Praying in tongues transmits spiritual signals to the mind such that your mind will receive pure thoughts and hidden ideas available to the selected few. 3. Praying in tongues will help you pray for situations you are not aware of. 4. Praying in tongues activates your human spirit such that you will become sensitive to the hear the Holy Spirit. 5. Speaking in tongues will help you discover your destiny in God and what he has deposited in your spirit. 6. Speaking in tongues activates the power of the Holy Spirit to work in places you cannot reach physically. 7. Speaking in tongues will unveil the scriptures to your spirit 8. Speaking in tongues builds faith and gives boldness. 9. Praying in tongues will sycnronise you with the plan of the Father for your life, you will be at the right place at the right tim


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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