When God calls a man to do a job, he will first of all separate that man from the world unto himself. This means this man must be completely surrendered to God, everything about him must be completely yielded to the Spirit. God literally owns him, he becomes God’s property, and must be willing to go wherever his master sends him. The Lord Jesus mentioned 3 things which everyone that is called of God will have to suffer. 1. REJECTION BY FAMILY. - Anyone that lives to please his/her family members is not worthy to be my disciple, Jesus said (Luke 9:62). To walk with the Lord means he must be number one, he has to come first in everything that concerns you, not your wife or husband or children but Jesus. Everything else must be secondary. One other thing that will follow is that when you follow Jesus whole heartedly, the so called family members will be the first ones to persecute you, they will call you names and so on. When Jesus mother and brothers heard about the things which were happening in his ministry, they thought he was a mad man and out of order. Choose to follow Jesus despite what anyone thinks 2. REJECTION BY CHRISTIANS - The biggest opposition will not come from the sinners, the Christian folks will be second group that will attack you (Mat 10:17). They will call a devil worshipper, or demon possessed, after all that’s what they called Jesus. Jesus was killed by church folks; it was the Pastors, teachers, Bishops (Pharisees & Sadducees) that ordered his crucifixion. Christians are not God, so if they reject you, don’t waste time trying to fit in, walk away and follow Jesus. 3. REJECTION BY GOVERNMENT - The more anointed you are, the greater the level of your opposition. You measure a man strength by the size of his opposition. The highest level of persecution will come from government officials, this will happen when the government authorities do whatever they can to stop you from preaching the gospel ( Mat 10:19).