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The Plan of the Father

When entering Gethsemane, we hear the Master’s plea to the Father saying “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt” (Matthew 26:39). Growth starts when we understand that only God’s will is possible, only his way is the right way and outside his will we shall fall. Opposing the Father's will and plan for your life will only lead to a meaningless life. Ever met people who are always unhappy, no matter what happens, they are always stressed about something they wish they could get rid off or change, but they don't even know what that thing is. I once heard a story about this wealthy man, he had companies all over the world, had many people working for him, but he was unhappy, he wanted to kill himself, he didn't understand why he was so unhappy but for some reason he had no peace or joy in his life. You can only be fulfilled if you function where God called you, joy and peace are in the purpose which you were called to do. God knows you more than you know yourself, and when he created you he knew all the things that would make you happy, and he packaged each one of those things in his plan and will for your life. God’s will is the only way and Christ’s Cross is how you begin that journey. If you follow after your short sighted plans, you wont go very far, you are destined to fumble somewhere along the way. You don't know enough to be able to plan your life, trust the one who has seen the end from the beginning and submit yourself to his way.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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