1 Chronicles 12:32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times This generation is living in what the Bible called the last days, we are journeying quickly into the second advent of Christ. Signs are everywhere, look at what is happening in Europe, the middle east, and all over the world. Jesus said ''Ye will hear of wars and rumours of wars'' look at what North korea is doing, look at Isis, Iran, Syria, etc. Also the rate at which natural disasters are occurring is too high, strange things are being caught on camera happening in the clouds. The sign of increased knowledge The Bible warned that in the end of days, knowledge will be increased in the earth. All these technological breakthroughs are paving a way for the system of the Antichrist. Increased wickedness We are living at an age where things which were considered to be immoral are being legalized and accepted as part of life. Very soon people will start marrying their parents, and it will become legal. The level of wickedness in the hearts of many is scary. One of the signs Jesus mentioned was that the hearts of many will grow cold, anyone can kill you for money, including your wife, kid, husband, parents. The Gospel is being preached all over the world Through technology, it has now become possible to preach to all cultures, all tongues, without having to travel all over the world. The preaching of the Gospel is the last sign Jesus said would herald his second coming. The Antichrist is already here The man of sin is already in the earth, the stage is set for him to take over. Currently there is a computer which is being built which is equivalent to 7 billion brains, this computer will be used by the Antichrist to manage everyone who will be having a microchip on their right hand or forehead.