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Travailing in prayer

Galatians 4:19 my little children, of who I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you If you want to see the vision God placed in your heart come to pass, you must learn to travail in prayer. Having a vision is like being pregnant and prayer is the labour pain you cannot avoid when you give birth to that vision. You must learn to labour in prayers, sow seeds of prayers in the realm of spirit, release prophetic words regarding your vision before you see it come to pass. The vision you are carrying is for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come. If you are a minister of Gospel you must travail in prayer, you have to travail for every soul out there and very soon you will see the fruit in your ministry. I heard about a woman who had been praying for her whole town to be saved, she travailed for 10 years and one day God sent Billy Gram to that town. It was said that it was announced on Radio and television that everything must be closed on that particular day so that the whole town could attend the Billy Gram crusade. To cut the story short, everyone in that town received Jesus, there was the biggest revival they had ever seen. And after the crusade God spoke to Bill Gram and said the reason the crusade had been succesful is because someone had travailed in prayer for 10 years. And God said I have credited this crusade to that woman. Parents never stop travailing for your children, don't let satan have any of your family members, travail in prayer until everyone in your family comes to Christ. Don't stop praying, it might look like nothing is changing or even getting worse, but continue travailing and your victory will happen suddenly.

Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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