Ephesians 6:12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, against principalities, against rulers of darkness. When we pray Angels are dispatched to make war against the opposing forces of darkeness. Everything which we see in the natural world has its origin from the spiritual world. Your enemy is not the human being who is coming against you, there are evil forces in the heavenly realms which influence wicked men. Every child of God has Angels that walk with them, but those Angels cannot do anything unless you give them instructions. You are the one to dispatch your Angels to go and fight the battle on your behalf. I remember this other day, I had a vision, in the vision I saw a mighty Angel coming from heaven to stay in my house, then I understood that he was going to be walking with me. Now after this, when I knelt down to pray, I prayed fervently in tongues and I began to release words of power under the unction, immediately my spiritual eyes were opened and I saw this mighty Angel scattering everywhere. As I declared the Word of God and spoke with authority, the Angel was slaying what looked like spirits with a sword and within few days I had what I praying for in my hands. When you stop praying the Angels which are fighting to bring back what you are praying will start to loose the battle. Understand this, there are forces of darkenss in the space which have one single purpose, that is to ensure that you exprience suffering and not get what you prayed for. Some people are still telling God what they want, no no no that will not work, take authority in the name of Jesus. You see God has already done his part, he has already given us the victory, so it won't do you any good to ask him for stuff. You have to take what he has given you by force, what you praying for is already available, now command it to come. Do you remember when Moses was standing before the red sea, he cried out to God but God replied and said why are you telling, strerch your hand over the waters and divide them. From today you say I take authority in the name of Jesus, and command what you want to come your way, you might not see the results immediately but keep saying I have it, I have received it even when you don't see it physically. Command it once and thereafter declare that you have it. If you are a parent and your child is sick, stop crying, lay hands on that child say be healed in the name of Jesus. You can command the dead back to, you say you angel of death, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus and the dead will come back to life. This is the authority of the believer