When we pray something happens in the spirit realm, you might not instantly see the impact in the natural but something is building up in the unseen realms. The book of Ecclesiates gives us a clear picture of the mystery that happens behind the scenes when we pray( Ecclesiastes 11:3 When the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves). everytime when we pray, clouds are building up in the realm of spirit,angels get busy organising and arranging people and events for your good and when the clouds be full and the angels are through with your instructions, its time for testimonies. There are different levels of testimonies, as there are different types of prayers. Life changing or big testimonies come as a result of continued prayer. James 5:16 the earnest(heartfelt,continued) prayer of a righteous man make tremendous power available (dynamic in its working). Continued prayer does not mean we should ask for one thing over and over again, rather it means you ask once and believe that you have received, thereafter continue thanking God for the answer even though you dont seem to have anything in your hands, you keep declaring its mine, I got it. Everytime that you stand in the Word of God, believing that he has already answered your prayer, you are building clouds of rain and when they are full, they will empty themselves. I remember years ago, my Mother would pray continual for me to come to the Lord, she just would not stop, and deep down I had dicided that no matter how much she prays, I will never be a Christain. I loved the things of the world too much, so I was determined that the answer to that prayer would never see the light of day, and she continued claiming my soul for Jesus. Guess what happened, I went running to church, as if there was a strong pull from a mighty hand, it was beyond my control, to this day Im still a christian and loving the Lord more than anything. Nothing can resist the power of continued prayer, the one who never gives up is sure to come back with a testimony. Zechariah 10:1 Ask ye the Lord rain in the time of latter rain, so the Lord shall make bright clouds and give them showers of rain, to every grass in the field.