Revelation 19:9 Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb.

The ministry of Jesus began with a wedding at Cana, and it will end with a wedding in heaven. The last wedding will happen at the rapture of the church. The invitation to the wedding is opened to all believers, but like the foolish virgins who were not ready for the bridegroom (Matthew 25), many Christians will not be raptured, they will have to go through the great tribulation. The group which will be eating with the Lamb at the marriage supper will be those who have made themselves ready, they will hear the sound of the trumpet. The way things are looking 90 to 95 percent of the church will be left behind, including the preachers. Jesus will be taking a bride, without spot, without blemish, without wrinkles, and he will expect nothing less than purity from his bride. Many people will be surprised when the rapture takes place.The great tribulation will purify the saints who will be left behind, the Antichrist will help them with the work which the are currently neglecting. People are no longer going to church to worship the Lord, some are going there because they need healing, some it's money, some it's breakthrough, wrong purpose and wrong motive. When the trumpet of God sounds from heaven some will still be busy saying I claim my car, I claim my husband, I claim this or that, and such people will not hear the trumpet. Sometimes I laugh when I see this things on TV, my money, my business, really. What can we say, the doctrine which has flooded the church is nothing but motivational talk, lacking the quickening power of the Holy Spirit. Many preachers have relegated the Holy Spirit, they are now running their own empires, they started well, trusted God in everything, and they became too big, even bigger than God, and told the Holy Spirit to step aside.