Prayer is much more than praying for one's needs, there is more to prayer than praying for blessings. Prayer is a life style. Luke 18:1 says, men ought to always pray. When you live a life of prayer, you don't react to circumstances, you act. To react means to allow circumstances to be in control, to act means you are always in control of circumstances around you. Jesus always acted, he never reacted to circumstances.
Prayer will also help you to be in sync with the will and purpose of God for your life, you will just be led by the Holy Ghost to be where you should be. You will be moving with God, according to his speed, time, and calendar. you will be in the right place at the right time, through the timing of the Spirit.
The third thing prayer will do for you, is that it enables the Spirit of God to prepare the right conditions which will make it possible for his plans and will in your life to come to pass without any hindrances. As you pray, the Holy Spirit arranges situations, circumstances, events and people to fall into place. He moves the right people to the right place for you, and the right circumstances will occur at the right time in your life.
If you study the lives of the Apostles in the book of Acts, you will notice that the reason behind their success in ministry was because they were men of prayer. Acts 6:4 says, But we will give ourselves to prayer, and the ministry of the Word. I know that for some christians prayer seems like a heavy burden, many always say thy wish to pray but they don't have time, well satan will make sure that you don't have the time you need to be with the Lord because he knows what you will benefit from that fellowship. Nobody has time for anything, but everybody can choose to make time for something. Start practising the lifestyle of prayer and you will be amazed at how the Holy Spirit can help you do more at less time. Productivity is doing more with less. Joshua saw the mighty hand of God work through his life and ministry. He knew the will and strategy of God in battle. Therefore, mighty cities fell before the untrained army that he led. How did Joshua develop so much power with God? He had learned to pray. While Moses was praying in the mountain, Joshua spent the night at the foot of the mountain in prayer.