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Spiritual Warfare of the Believer

God does not deal with his children the same way, there are some of his children which have come of age in spiritual things and there are those who are still feeding on milk. When you come to maturity in Christ, God will not help you with the devil, he expects you to handle Satan. God expects certain things from those who have come to maturity, this means you can't be crying to him like a baby when you get in trouble, you have to use his Word which is the sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith with which you quench the fiery darts of the wicked one. Maturity means to understand authourity and to understand that God has given us power to trample upon scorpions and serpents and over all the power of the enemy. When the matured sons are involved in a spiritual warfare, God does not intervene, he watches from heaven to see how they deal with Satan and he is cheering for them from heaven. In other words he is saying, go get him son, go get him daughter, don't be afraid of him, he does not have authority over you. You are greater than him, you can do it, go get that devil and make him pay. Now when he deals with little children, he does not expect much from them. When they cry out to him for help, he helps them against Satan. The little children are those who are still feeding on milk, but it won't be long until God says you have fed on milk for too long, now its time to feed on strong meat. When this happens, you can cry for help. but God will keep silent, no more quick fixes. Milk is those doctrines of telling people don't worry, God will make a way for you, don't worry God will bless you, don't worry God sees your pain,teachings for children. when you grow up, God expects responsibility from your side. He expects you to command the mountain out of your way, he expects you to give instructions to Angels concerning what you want done, he expects you to settle matters in the spirit with his word.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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