The only way God can relate with man is through the human spirit. God is a Spirit, he only operates in the realm of spirit, and he only deals with spirits. You can’t see God with your physical eyes, you cant hear him with your physical ears, this is why it is important to understand the language of the human spirit. The human spirit like the body has his own senses, with which he relates to the spiritual world. 1. Vision eye
-These are inward eyes with which you can see spiritual visions. The vision can be in the form of a picture or a video depending on how God reveals it. When you are sleeping at night, its your body that is resting, your spirit does not sleep. If somebody can stand next to your sleeping body, you will immediately wake up, because you can see the person. 2. Spiritual ears
-With these ears you are able to hear the small still voice which comes from within. Sometimes God can speak with the audible voice, this voice is so loud you will think you heard it with your natural ears, but it is actual the spiritual ear that heard the voice. I remember when I heard God speak through an audible voice for the first time, I had to look outside the window to see the person who just spoke, it sounded like there was somebody who said the words through the window, but there was no one. 3. Intuition
-With the intuition you perceive things in the realm of spirit. Some people call this a gut feeling, I wouldn’t say its a feeling because a feeling is the voice of the body. This is more like sensing something, somehow you know from within that something wonderful is about to happen. At other times you might sense danger.