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Spiritual Ranks and Authority.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. God has a structure of authority both in the spirit world and the physical world, Satan also has his own. When a baby is born in the world, a new star appears in the heavens, the brighter the star, the greater the level of anointing on that baby. When you came to this world, you came fully packaged. The day Jesus was born a very bright star was seen in the heavens, and immediately Satan knew that this baby was going to be a problem and tried to kill him before he even began his ministry. Satan still studies the stars even today to look out for the dangerous ones God is sending to the world, this why some people can tell the future by reading of stars. Principalities. These are Spiritual beings anointed to rule over continents. There are principalities both in the kingdom of God and of the devil. God has some sons which are heavily anointed, one move of these guys can sweep the whole world and bring many to the Kingdom of God. When Satan fights these ones, he allocates high ranking principalities of darkness to fight against them. Powers These ones are those anointed to rule over nations, again it applies to both good and evil. The man anointed to rule over nations must expect his level of attack to be that of high ranking demons assigned to nations by satan, this is why we see some ministers of the gospel attached by organized media industries to try and tarnish the name of Jesus. Rulers This group is anointed to rule over Cities. Above every city are spiritual forces at war for control of the city. There are forces of good and of evil. If you want to win the whole city for Jesus, you will have to go through the ruler of darkness who is controlling that city. Demons and Angels This is the lowest rank of in the line of authority, they are assigned to both individual believer and sinner. The demon is assigned for torment whilst the angel is there for guidance and protection.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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