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Our Responsibility to Pray

There are families who are burying people every year, and this thing normaly happens on a particular month. Every year they know that on such a month someone in the family is going to die. If it happens like this something is wrong in the spirit, and something has to be done, someone has to take authority in the name of Jesus and bind that devil from killing, otherwise he will not stop. I have heard people say where was God when this happened, how come so many people died like that, well God was in heaven sitting on his Throne. Many people don't understand how God operates, he does not force himself into our lives just because he is God, he might see the trouble comming but he can't do anything about it except you give him the permission to intervene. It is spiritual illegal for God to do things in the earth without man's permission, God has given the earth to man and what we allow to happen will happen. Prayer is a way of involving God and his Angels to intervene in your life or the lives of your loved ones. God is not out killing people by accidents or sickness, he is not out killing little children, it is the devil who is doing such things. God's plan is for man to die at good old age, full of years and having accomplished what he was born to do. Satan will keep killing if nobody takes a stand, you have to command him to clear. Just think about it, 2015 you buried your mother, 2016 you buried you brother, 2017 it was your child and you are still saying God is seeing it, no no no no, you have to get angry at that devil and cast him out in the name of Jesus. Where was God when my child died, the right question should be where were you when it happened. You are the only one who can stop it from happening. For some families its not death, for some you will all the children living messed up lives. You will have the daughters bringing children from 5 different fathers and the sons are drug addicts, the mother will be crying saying why are all my children like this. This is not normal, it is a spiritual problem which must be dealt with spiritual weapons. Crying will not make it go away, crying will not chase the devil from your house, God does not respond to tears, he responds to prayer. You say satan get out of my house in the name of Jesus and you begin interceding for your children, claim them in the spirit and declare they belong to Jesus and satan's hold over them will be broken. Prayer is very important, man is spirit being and all his life is influnced in the realm of spirit. You have no chance in the natural, you can't defeat a demon with your natural ability, you need Jesus. This devil is a bastard, and you must stop tolerating his nonsense. If you are not born again, what I just shared will not help unless you are born again. Come to Jesus now, now is the hour to receive him in your heart. Pray this prayer: O Lord Jesus I receive you into my heart, I confess and accept your Lordship over my life. I believe that God raised you from the dead and now I am saved. If you just prayed that prayer, congrutulations, you are now born again


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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