When we spend time in prayer, the Holy Spirit works with us behind the scenes to divinely arrange the right people, events and circumstances and everything necessary to bring about an answer to that prayer. It is the Holy Spirit who can position you for advantage, you will find that you are at the right place, at the right time, networking with the right people which have been positioned by God to take you to the next level. Many are the times that an answer to prayer will look like a coincidence, the hand of God will always look the hand of man The spiritual immature calls the hand of God ''luck'', but the one who understands the workings of the Spirit, will surely testify that it was God who orchestrated everything. It can only be by the Holy Spirit and prayer, that every step you take will be a step in the right direction. Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. If you study 1Kings18:42-46, the Bible says Elijah the prophet had been praying for rain after years of drought and famine in the land. The Bile tells us, that as Elijah continued to pray, a small cloud like a man's hand appeared in the sky, this was the only cloud in a very blue sky, so small and was not sufficient to bring the rain. The small cloud grew, bigger and bigger, and floods began to pour out in the land. That small cloud was the hand of God, but it looked like the hand of man.