In 1948 the United Nations granted the Jewish people rights to their home land in Israel after nearly 1900 years in exile thus fulfilling the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:11-13, the dry bones came back to life. Jesus made it clear, once Israel became a nation, a generation would not pass away before we would see the Second Coming of Christ (Matthew 24:4-34). Prophet Isaiah prophesied the same thing, Isa 66:8 Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. This rebirth of Israel kicked off the beginning of the last generation. A Middle East peace plan with Israel, where Jerusalem is considered a major stumbling block will develop in the last days (Daniel 9:27; Zechariah 12:3). This is literally taking place today. This peace plan with Israel will ultimately have a seven-year time limit (Daniel 9:27) and the man who will negotiate this peace accord is the Anti Christ.. After 3years and 6 Months of the signing of the the treaty, the Anti Christ will change his mind and cancel it and this will lead to Armageddon ( World war 3). Why do you think nations are busy testing their nuclear weapon capabilities, they are preparing for Armageddon. No matter how many peace talks they may have, world war three will be happen, the Bible says so. Russia, Iran, a host of northern African nations, and the surrounding Islamic world will forge an alliance and attack Israel (Ezekiel 38 & 39). Today, virtually all of these nations are already in an alliance. You will have China coming into the battle with 200 million soldiers, hoping to claim the entire Arab nations so that they can take all the oil for themselves, and lastly the Antichrist will join in with all the western and European nationals to repel against the use of nuclear weapons. All these nations will be meeting in Israel, to destroy one another and whilst all this is happening, the nation of Israel will remember the God of their forefathers and they will cry out to God. They will pray as a nation and call the name of Jesus, they will finally believe that Jesus is the Christ, their Messiah. And when God hears the cries, Jesus will be released from heaven, he will come with a might army of Angelic beings, he will show up in the battle, he will come from the clouds and every eye will see him. Everyone involved will be amazed to see an army coming from the clouds all dressed in white, coming to a gun fight with swords. But they will soon Find out that this is a spiritual army, which cannot die of a bullet. And when he arrives in that battle, he will scatter everything, he will scatter everywhere and non of them will stand before him. Jesus will defeat all the nations who have risen against the children of Jacob. Satan will be arrested by Jesus and the Antichrist thrown into the lake of fire. All of them combined will not stand before Jesus, with all their weapons, they will not stand against the King of Glory.