Revelation 4:8 and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy,holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and is to come The above verse is song which is sang daily by the 4 Angels who sorround the throne, everytime they sing it the 24 elders round about the Throne bow down and say "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power". Everytime the elders bow down before him who lives forever and ever they are changed from one level of glory to another. There is an ever increasing glory around the Throne, so much so that if you were to spend a day in that glorius presence you would come back looking different. Thank God for the Holy Spirit because as we fellowship with him, he is able to lift us up to the same glorius presence which is before the Throne. The Holy Spirit can transport you into that Throne room, where you will be worshiping before the Father and when you come out of such worship you will know that your spirit has been glorified than before. There is a realm of life where time and space get suspended, where all physical and material things don't matter. In this realm only God is real, you can only see God and when this happens, worship will flow from your spirit to him who sits on the Throne. This is the realm which is so bright and peaceful, a place where life takes on a new meaning and purpose, it is heaven on earth. Sometimes the glory of God can be so much in your spirit that it will affect your sorrounding enviroment. I don't know if some of you have exprienced this, but it is possible to even see bright light proceeding from your face, at other times you may see clouds covering you. This is the life God has called us to live, heaven on earth. We are citizens of heaven, as it is in heaven in the same manner on the earth for the children of the Kingdom