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Fruit of the Spirit

Maturity in God is not measured by your talents or gifts, it is measured by your character. No one was born with a nice character, it is through development and self training that man develops his character. You can have all the gifts of the Spirit and perform all kinds of miracles, that does not mean anything before God, afterall you are operating in a gift. God looks at your character, it doesn't matter how much of the scriptures you know, you can teach and interpret the Word of God but if your character is not developed, you are still a child in the realm of spirit.I will only discuss four fruits of the Spirit, for futher study read Galatians 5:22 1. Love

- if you do not love fellow human beings you cannot love God, because God loves people. God is watching how you treat and relate with people, so if you are using people to get your way and make everything about you, remember God can see your heart and motives. Work on walking in love, don't judge people by their outward appearance. 2. Humility

- we can learn humility from Jesus, he was the creator and owner of everything, yet he took the form of a servent, he obeyed those in authority even though he was greater than them. Humility is submissive, I have studied many books about the richest people in the world and I discovered that they are very humble, look at a guy like billy gates, you can see the humility even in his face, easy going and approachable guy. Humility respects those in lower positions or authority. Pride says do you know who I am? Mr big man, humble yourself. 3. Patience

- This is the ability to tolerate an unfovarable situation. You don't run away because things are difficult, you stick to the end of the course. Can you handle pressure of what you are asking God to give you, can you handle the pressure of marriage, of kids, of riches, of fame. God will first teach you patience before commiting big things into your hands. 4. Self Control

- This is the ability to say no against anything that goes against your principles. Don't comprise your intergrity, stand on what is right and true and God will promote you to handle nations


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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