If you study the whole Bible on all the topics of faith you will find that the below steps were followed to receive answers from God. 1. Definite Desire
- Your desire must be specific, for example if it’s money you want then you must specify the amount, don’t just say I want money. What kind of house do you want, what kind of a job do you want, what kind of a husband do you want. Before Jesus healed the sick, the first question he would ask was, what do you want me to do for you? He knew what they wanted but he wanted them to first have the desire for healing. 2. Visualization
- Desire alone is not enough, you have to move to step two, which is seeing yourself in possession of what you want. If for example you desire a new dress, you have to see yourself inside the dress whilst it is still at the store and one day you will wear it. The reason God was angry with the children of Israel who died in the wilderness is because they kept seeing themselves in Egypt and God swore that they would never see the promise land. God delivered them out of Egypt because of their desire but they kept saying we miss the food we used to eat in Egypt. Their faith ended with desire. 3. Talking
- After visualizing what you want, the next step is talking. Say what you want, Don’t say I will have it, say I have it now and give thanks. Your talking must be in the now, because faith is now. I have R100 million glory God, and I'm sponsoring the gospel with this money. Talk it everyday, talk it everywhere. Your words are creative materials which bring your desire and visualization into being. 4. Action
- This is a tricky one because at times You can have the right desire, the right vision, and talk right but fumble at acting. I also got this step wrong a couple of times, went to the wrong businesses, invested money in the wrong things, I mean the list is endless. The secret to this step is to get an inward inspiration from the Holy Spirit. When you want to do important things don't be in a hurry, spend enough time listening to your inward witness. If you feel uneasy about it, wait, if you don't have peace, wait. Go ahead once you get that inner evidence in your spirit, that inner knowing which confirms you made the right decision. Whoever follows their inner witness in money issues will become rich. With the Holy Spirit you can never get it wrong, he knows everything. Go and study about Joshua and see how he conquered mighty nations, the Holy Spirit was telling him what to do.