Acts 17:28 for in him we live, and move, and have our being. When your roots are founded on the Rock Christ Jesus, there is no way you can be defeated in life. Jesus is the solid Rock and in him you can never be afraid of the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day for his Word shall be thy shield and buckler. There is a place in Christ where your life is hidden from demonic influence, they can search for you but they will never see you because Christ has hidden you under his shadow, so when they look for you they will only see him. All other ground is sinking sand, it is only on the Rock where you can stand and be lifted up high above the skies. He is the Rock of Ages, and out of this Rock springs rivers of living waters. Defeat and failure is not possible in Christ, he said I am the vine and ye are the branches, and apart from me ye can do nothing. There is coming a time when this world will be shaken, a time of tribulation the world has ever seen, this is the hour when the antichrist is about to ascend the throne, but those who are founded on the Rock will withstand the tribulation period, everyone else will sink with the fallen system of this world. Very soon the mark of the beast will be introduced, and this will be the time of Jacob's trouble. When you see the abdomination of desolation standing where it ought not to be, you must know that the coming of the Son of Man is at the door. Scripture shows that Jesus will be coming back in our generation, most of us will not taste death, we will see the Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven. He that has an ear let him hear