END TIME PROPHECIES YET TO FULFILLED BEFORE CHRIST RETURNS. 1. WORLD CRISIS TO CONTINUE: - Natural disasters will increase rapidly & paper money economy will collapse. 2.THE REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE: - The trouble in the European Union will lead to that region coming together as one country and Pope Francis will be at the center of it all. 3. THE TWO BEAST OF REVELATIONS TO COME IN FULL FORCE: - One beast will lead the EU and the other will lead the UN, all the signs are pointing to Barrack Obama and Pope Francis. Obama will come back, more powerful than ever, and he will rule the world. 4. THE MARK OF THE BEAST TO BE ENFORCED BY LAW: - Rev 13 tells us that the mark of the beast will be enforced upon the whole world ... 5. THE THREE ANGELS MESSAGE PROCLAIMED: - Before anyone chooses the mark of the beast, God, through His remnant church on earth will send a final message of the last call to mercy. 6. THE FINAL CHOICE BETWEEN THE BEAST AND CHRIST: - We will all at this time have to make one final choice. A choice to take the side of Christ Jesus and receive the seal of God (Revelation 7:1-3; 14:1) or, under ecomonic pressure and fear of persecution from the world, take the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16). ). 7. THE DOOR TO SALVATION CLOSED: - Once everyone have made their decision for the mark of the beast or the seal of God, then the door of mercy will close and everyone will be judged either righteous or filthy ... Revelation 22:11 .. 8. THE GREAT TRIBULATION: DAN 12:1 . - Great spiritual darkness, with Satan will unleash full fury upon the saints...Rev12:17. Many of God's people who have rejected the mark of the beast will flee into the mountains to escape the persecution placed upon them by the enemy 9. THE BATTLE AT ARMAGEDDON: - This is the final battle between good and evil, the spiritual war that has been raging between Christ and Satan since the beginning. Sometime during this great battle, Jesus Christ returns as "KING OF KINGS to defeat Satan and his hosts and to deliver the saints. 10. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST: - The second coming of Christ will be a glorious, visible, fiery event that will make all other end time events look ordinary! 11. THE RESURRECTION OF THE SAINTS: - When Jesus Christ returns at the second coming, the graves will burst open and the righteous will rise up with immortal bodies. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 ...The rest of the dead (lost) will not live again until the 1000 years are over .Rev 20:5 ... 12. THE 1000 YEARS: - After Christ has returned at the second coming and resurrects the saints, a Heavenly Kingdom in the earth and saints will inherit the earth. Satan is bound for 1000 years