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Divine Destiny

Divine destiny can be defined as the arrangement of circumstances, people and events by God in a man's life according to God's perfect will for that man. There is a path which has been designed specifically for you and on it everything about your life is already written down.Hebrews 10:7 says about Christ, "Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God". Christ's life was scripted, his death and resurrection were already prophesied, his job was to walk into the written destiny. Your life also is that way, your job is walk into the destiny which God has already scripted for your life.

You have the choice to either walk in the path which has been set before the foundation of the world or walk in your own plans which will lead to frustration and failure. David wrote ''thou wilt shew me the path of life''psalm 16:11. There are people God has divinely planned to be in your life, and when you come across such people your life will be changed for the better. If you study the 9th chapter to the 10th chapter of the book of 1Samuel you will discover that God had divinely arranged events in Saul's life so that he could meet Samuel the Prophet.The story began with Saul looking for his lost donkeys and this ended in him being at Samuel's house. And there he was told, God had chosen him to be the King of Israel and Samuel anointed him. God purposely hid the donkeys so that Saul could meet a man who would change his life forever. Let this be your prayer that God may help you through the Holy Spirit discover your divine destiny and walk therein. Make up your mind that you will be the best of what God wants you to be and fulfill his call for your life. The best decision you will ever make is to live for Jesus.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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