Just recently the system of the Antichrist was tested in India , within 24 hours, without notice the Prime Minister announced that buying and selling with cash had been cancelled, this meant if you had money in your house it became useless overnight. People were told they can only buy with their cards, small retail shops were given swiping machines, old people were trained how to transact electronically. This is how it will happen when the Antichrist comes into power, without notice, the money in your pocket will become nothing but a worthless piece of paper. The Bible says when the beast comes to power, he will force everyone to receive his mark, this will not be optional, whoever refuses will be killed. Christians and Jews will be persecuted all over the world, and this is right at the door. I have been following end time prophecy for years, and I heard that God has been speaking to Christians all over the world to buy land of refuge outside the cities. People of God, this the time to be putting your money into farming, buy a piece of land outside the city now. Most of the businesses people are doing now will become useless overnight. Properly business will become useless, how else will you collect rent from your tenants. God has also prepared caves for his people to be hidden during this time of tribulation. Its going to be very hard, many preachers of the gospel are still going on about material blessings and prosperity teachings, wake up, and start preparing the people for the coming of the Lord.