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Angelic Ranks and Roles

1. Arch Angels These are high rank Angels and they have many other Angels reporting under their authority. According to Hebrew tradition there are four Arch Angels, Gabriel, Michael, Rapheal and Uriel. The Bible only reveals the roles of Michal and Gabriel. -Angel Michael is the commander of Angels which are responsible for war (Rev 12:7). Michael is also responsible for the protection of the nation of Israel (Daniel 12:1). - Angel Gabriel is responsible for announcing very important news to the world (Luke 1:26-33). He was the one sent to announce the birth of Jesus, and he will be the one to blow the last trumpet which will announce the second coming of Jesus (1Thes 4:16). 2. Cheribiums and Seraphins

These Angels sorround the Throne and are responsible for 24 hour worship. These Angels also guard the presence of God, wherever the Throne goes, these Angels are present. Lucifer used to be a Cherub before his fall, this is why the guy is good in music even today. He was an annointed to sing, but today he has corrupted this gift through singing blasphemeous music in the earth, all this Rap, RNB, Hip Hop proceeded from Satan. 3. Angels

these are ministering spirits for heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14).

These Angels are sent to work with us in the earth and they do a lot of different things. When we pray in faith they fight for us us against demons in the heavenly places, they heal the sick when we minister healing, they protect us from evil, they comfort and strengthen the believers during diffucult times, they bring messages from the throne room, they bring answers to prayer, they assist in soul winning when we minister salvation, they do record keeping of every good work we do for the kingdom, they protect the children, they collect dead believers to heaven, etc.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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