If you study the life of Jesus, you will discover that there were times when he wanted to be left alone to be by himself. At times he would withdraw from the crowds to a solitary place (Matthew 14:13) and at other times he would dismiss the crowds, together with his disciples and would remain by himself (Matthew 14:23). It is when you are alone that you can connect to higher realms of life, and when you get connected to those realms, you will hear the voice of the Spirit saying “this is the way, walk ye in it”. A busy and a crowded place hinders the communion of the Spirit, sometimes you must step away from the carnally minded folks and be focused into the spiritual things. Avoid people who spend 99% of their time discussing worldly things. Man is a spirit, who lives in the body, with his body he contacts the physical world and with his spirit, he contacts the spiritual world. The spiritual world gave birth to the physical world, meaning everything that will come against you in the physical must first overcome you in the spirit world. So for man to live in the physical world, he must also participate in the realm of spirit. Jesus knew this, that’s why he participated in both worlds. The natural man follows the voice of his mind and the direction of the crowd, but the spiritual man follows the voices from the higher realms. One day, put this exercise to test, seat somewhere alone, switch off your phone, and stay away from Tv, and listen to yourself. Of course your mind will start by wondering to different places, but do you best to keep it in check, and keep listening to the voice of your spirit, do this for at least an hour or 3 hours, and see what will happen. You may fall into a vision, or hear the voice of God, whatever happens, will change your life forever. I don’t know about you, but I see visions almost every day, it has become so normal that if something were to happen in my life that I didn’t know about spiritual or had not seen it in the spirit first, I get surprised, I’m like where did you come from. Sometimes it might not be a vision, you might hear something or get an inward perception.