When Paul the Apostle was journeying to Jerusalem the Holy Spirit witnessed in every city through the Prophets that Paul was going to be bound as a prisoner and that he would suffer many afflictions at the hands of the Jews, in hearing all these things Paul replied and said ''Non of this things move me" (Acts 20). It took boldness to reply like that, to say non of these things move me in the midst of death. Paul had come to the understanding that the Kingdom which he belonged is unshakable, he understood that Jesus was at center of it all and that he remained Lord and ruler over all the kingdoms of man. Hebrews 12:28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and worship God in reverence and fear in a way that pleases him. This is the same Kingdom which we received when we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Nothing that happens around us can shake us, we are unshakable. This is what you should say when the doctor tells you, you only have 3 month to live, you tell Mr Doctor that non of this things move me. Mr doctor may be right with the light of his knowledge, he might have seen the correct thing according to his understanding of medicine, but the Bible says the Word of God is a greater light. And the Greater light says If any man believes in me, he will never die. The light with which the Doctor said you will die is a lesser light, and the light of God's word which says you will never die is a greater light. So you believe the Word, because this kingdom cannot be shaken by death. Death, not me, we don't just die in this Kingdom, no way, Thou shalt live to proclaim the goodness of the Lord