Earthly kingdoms are made of one king and subjects, but the Kingdom of God is different. The Bible says Jesus is the King of kings, meaning he is Kinging over kings, and guess what, anyone that belongs to him is a king. He is not the king of subjects, but the King of kings and we are those kings. Subjects are people under dominion of the sovereign one, but kings are those who reign with the sovereign one. 1Peter2:9 But you are a special people, a holy nation, priests and kings, a people given up completely to God. The Church of Jesus Christ is not a hospital for broken souls, the church is a government of kings who are kinging with the Lord Jesus, it is a fellowship of the gods. Look at the likes of David, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, they were not depressed souls, they were big shorts who ruled over the system of their day. Kings don't beg anyone for anything, they make decrees. We decree a matter and it is established unto us, Alleluia. (Job 22:28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee ). Cast down, not me. Broken, not me. Defeated, not me. Hopeless, not me. I'm on top everyday, a victor 24 hours a day, ruling 365 days a year, a winner anytime, anywhere. I'm not being proud or anything, I'm calling myself what God said I am. Boy I'm a king.....!