There are different rules which apply to different prayers, the rules which apply to a football match are different to those of a rugby match, though both can but classified as sport. Luke11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 1. The Prayer of Petition (Ask) - This is the first level of prayer in Jesus order and the rules of this prayer state that you must believe that what you asked has been granted before you see or touch it physically. You ask once and thereafter you start talking and acting like the one who has received. For example you pray for healing, what you must do next is to thank God for the healing before it manifest, never let the words I'm sick come out of your mouth. If people say you are sick, tell them you are not sick but you are healed even though your body seems to look sick. When you say it long enough your body will comply to your words. 2. The Prayer of Devotion (Seek) The next level of prayer beyond "asking" is "seeking." This in no way discounts asking. The greater does not discount the lesser, but the lesser is always included in the greater! In this prayer we are to seek intimate fellowship with the Spirit. This type of prayer is not given freely; it must be sought after, thereby requiring effort. There is that which everyone can see in the Scripture, but God wants to bring us into such close communion with Himself that He may share His most intimate treasures of wisdom and understanding.The lazy Christian is not willing to seek. He never enters into the fullness of the blessing God has desired him to enter. It takes discipline and effort to live your life at the doorpost of the Lord. This is the knowlege Paul the Apostle was after when he said he wished to know Christ in the fellowship of his sufferings. He continued to say I count all things loss that I might win the excellency of the knowledge of Christ. 3. The Prayer of Intercession (Knock) - This is the highest kind of prayer in the life of the believer & in it we share the burden of Christ for a person, circumstance, or need anywhere in the world. Intercession is the level of prayer where we may become a partaker of Christ's suffering. This prayer is a ministry, you are no longer concerned about yourself but about others. It is very painful to the Lord to see many people dying and going to hell on a daily basis, it is very painful to the Lord to see children suffering like they are in this world, it is very painful to the Lord to see so many broken lives in this world, so many people without direction, it is painful because he has done everything he had to, he has paid the price for everybody but they don’t know. The Lord Jesus is depending on us to intercede for the lost, the downcast, the broken out there, it is only when we pray for them that he can send help.