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Wisdom for Choices.

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

The Bible says God is the Alpha and Omega, which means he has sees the beginning and the end. When God plans something or when he makes choices he looks at how things will end, he does not consider the process or how things are currently going, but he looks at the end results. David was only a shepherd boy when God chose him to be king, it was the faith God had of what David would become. Don't choose based on the temporary situation or based on how things are currently looking, just because something is going well doesn't mean is the right thing for you. Look with the eyes of faith and choose according to how things will end. The Bible says Lot chose Sadom and Gomorrah with the eyes of the flesh, everything looked good from the outside, the city was prosperous, but in the realm of spirit it's destruction was already decided. When destruction comes, it comes suddenly, without warning. I heard a story about a young man who was working for this other big company, this company was prosperous on the outside, it looked like his future was secured, and God spoke to this young man and said move to another company, he refused, it did not make sense to leave such a great company, after all his future was secured. Within a short space of time the company was bankrupt and ended up being liquidated. Destruction came quickly, so fast that no one had enough time to prepare. Always base your choices on faith, not on the senses. There are so many people who are very rich on the outside but in the realm of spirit they are smelling poverty.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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