Jesus is the voice that proceeded from the throne during creation, he is the same voice which spoke to Abraham, Moses, and through the Prophets of old. He has always been in the Father, for he is the voice of the Father, when the Father speaks it was Jesus in manifestation, and that voice is in itself God and equal with the Father. You cannot separate a man’s voice from himself, Trevor’s voice is called Trevor, when Trevor speaks people will not say the voice of Trevor spoke, they will say Trevor spoke, it is the same thing with God and Jesus. God has one body, this is why he created man in one image, not images, so God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son have one body, but that body can be multiplied, this means the Father can be in heaven in that image, whilst the Holy Spirit can be operating in the earth with the same image. God can be seating in heaven and appears in the earth at the same time, you go to heaven he is there seating, you come to earth, the same body is here seating. In the godhead the Father plans everything, and when he speaks or make known his plans, that voice is called God the Son, and the God the Holy Spirit brings to pass the message or the Word of God the Son. The Father plans, the Son speaks, and the Holy Spirit executes. The Holy Spirit only responds or acts when the Son speaks, this is why when we pray in the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit will respond, because we are standing in the authority of God the Son. When I say in the name of Jesus, its as though its Jesus speaking because I speak in his name or place. The birth of Jesus meant that the voice which was always in the Father, the same which spoke to the old Testament saints took on the form of a man, eternity entered into time, that which existed in the spirit before the world was created became physical. ” When Jesus was speaking to the Jews in the book of John chapter eight He made this statement, “Verily, verily I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am.”(John 8:58).