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Three Proofs that Jesus Really Existed?

1. The Personal Witnesses: Besides the Bible, there are many history books which testify of the life of Jesus, they all support that he walked this planet. Muslims, Buddha, Scientist, Philosophers, all agree that indeed Jesus was born. It is so open that even Satan cannot hide the truth. 2. The Prophetic Witness Of The Scriptures: The whole Bible from the time of Adam, has been talking about one man, the man Christ Jesus. All the prophets," from Genesis to Malachi revealed that the plan of salvation would be through the blood atoning sacrifice of the God-Man, Jesus Christ. 3. The Powerful Witness Of The Spirit: Throughout the years there have been many movements which have come and gone but Christianity has been getting bigger and stronger. The same Holy Spirit which worked in the Ministry of Jesus and the Apostles is still working in our lives today, and through the Spirit, Christianity has become like a new style, it is like this new thing people just discovered. Fashion gets old, style gets old, people get old, but Christianity is like a new thing everyday.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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