Daniel 6:3 then Daniel became distinguished above all the presidents and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him. The spirit of excellence is that spirit which works from within and it causes a man to be diligent in all his affairs. It doesn't matter the kind of work you do, make sure you do it with neatness and be professional at all times. Give your best to whatever project committed to your hands. Don't be like those people who are always late at their work, they are never prepared for presentations or meetings, always fumbling at everything they do, be the best at everything you do....... a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings ...... (Proverbs 22:29). Whatever you do make sure you do it well. .
11 Points to Excellence
1. Be highly organized. 2. Always look neat and Tidy. 3. Be on time and come prepared. 4. Be focused.
5. Always bring your A game. 6. Be sharper than a blade. 7. Get things done right the first time.
8. Do the best you can with the resources at your disposal. 9. Give attention to detail, seek to understand before you rush to conclusions. 10. Always start your day earlier, and start it with prayer. 11. Do research and have thoroughly knowledge of the topic or matter you dealing with. 12. Read Books.