1. The Lord Jesus is the head of the church, the ruler over all creation, and the Lord of lords and King of kings (Col. 1:15–18; Rev. 3:14, 17:14).His reign covers everything that happens in heaven and on the earth. No one—not even those who deny His existence—can be free of His rule or outside His sphere of authority. Even death cannot release anyone from the authority of God’s Son. He is Lord of both the living and the dead. All people must decide to either yield or rebel against Him, but they have the opportunity to make this choice only while they are still living. After death, they will acknowledge Christ’s lordship through accountability to Him. If we have not bowed the knee to Jesus in life, we will be forced to bend it in the judgment. 2. The Faithful And True Witness (Revelation 1:5). A witness tells what he has seen or heard and his testimony is reliable every time. When Jesus Christ speaks, he speaks only the truth, his Word is the true reality of how things are. The world paints a picture of how things should be according to the standard of man, but in Jesus we find the reality of what is. For example, the Word of God says all things are possible to him that believe, that is the truth you can stand on to do achieve the impossible. Standing before Pilate he said: “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice” (John 18:37). 3. Lamb Of God (John 1:29) This name describes his purpose, Jesus' greatest act was to die. His sacrifice was the heart of the Father's plan for mankind. Leviticus 17:11 tells us that the life is in the blood, and Ezekiel 18:4 says, "The soul who sins will die." therefore Sin always requires death because of the righteousness and holiness of God. Either a life must end as payment for sin, or a life must be given as payment for another's wrongdoing. God has always dealt with sin through sacrifice. Jesus came as the sin-bearer for the whole world - He assumed the full responsibility for all of our sin and guilt so that we can be free from punishment. By His wounds, we are made righteous and holy in the eyes of God.