The name of Jesus has power over all things, and over all beings whether they be on earth, in heaven or in hell. Ever been sleeping and something suddenly comes aginst you, and presses you down, you try to get up but its difficult, and then suddenly you whisper or call the name Jesus and the thing flees. Think about it, you dont do anything powerful, you just say Jesus and all of darkness flees. The power is in the name, it has got nothing to do with your spiritual level, just call Jesus and satan will flee from you. phil 2:9-10 "God hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and of things under the earth" If you woke up at night and mabye found yourself in some place you dont recognise, or mabye they are trying to kill you to perform a sacrificial ritual just shout Jesus, they will flee from you. The name Jesus is greater than every demonic authory, it doesnt matter who comes against you, whether its the most powerful witch or satan himself makes no difference, they all bow to the name of Jesus. Jesus is the name you can trust.....!