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Follow the good Shepherd.

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:11

Leadership means climbing the tallest tree and look ahead, you survey the entire situation, you see how the future will look like and write down the vision of where you are heading. On the other hand, management includes the day to day operations, strategy and goals all directed to the achievement of the vision of the leader. The leader defines the jungle which the manager is to fight, and the manager fights the battle. If the jungle is wrong, no matter how skillful and effective the manager is, he will not win. You can only win when you are fighting the right fight. Jesus Christ is our Leader, he has already seen the end from the beginning, he has already gone ahead of us, he surveyed the entire situation on our behalf, and gave us the vision of where he wants us to go. The Lord Jesus has already defined the jungle you should be fighting in, but if you want to decide your own jungle, no matter how skillful you are, no matter how smart you are, you will never win. When you fight in the wrong jungle, its like fighting Satan with your natural strength, he will beat you down, but if you fight in the right jungle, there is grace for you to defeat anything and anyone that will come against you. Now to fight in this jungle which the Lord has chosen for us, you will need to know the the strategy, this is where the Holy Spirit comes in, you work with the Holy Spirit and make him your partner, then you are sure to achieve the vision of your leader.


Trevor Chuma Ministries 

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